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" The first thing that I will say about Célia was that she was deeply empathetic... but also that she challenged me to think differently about why things had not worked out, what I had learned along the way and which of those learnings I was going to take with me, and what I was going to leave behind. Thinking about my journey in this way allowed me to identify positives from the past roles and harness them for my future.
The second thing I will never forget, and which I tell people about regularly, was Célia's approach to decision making. She taught me how to think about the best decisions and the worst decisions I have made - and then to identify how I had made them. She gave me a whole new framework on which to base my decisions, which gave me the confidence I needed to make a decision on which role I should accept and which, one year on, is proving to have been absolutely the right choice.
If you are looking for a coach who will bring an empathetic but challenging approach, and a whole new way of looking at the choices and situation before you then I would not hesitate to recommend Célia!"